Dienstag, 5. März 2013

consequences of sex before adulthood

Gurdjieff also insisted that achieving an orgasm before reaching adulthood had serious consequences on an adolescent’s mental development: “If even once the sensation of the climax of what is called the ‘Ooomonvanosi process’ occurs in what is called the “nervous system” of their children before they reach majority, they will already never have the full possibility of normal mentation when they become adults.”

Gurdjieffs Sexual Beliefs and Practices

Concerning sexual desire, he once told me the following: "If a youth but once gratify this lust before reaching adulthood, then the same would happen to him as happened to the historical Esau, who for a single mess of pottage sold his birthright, that is, the welfare of his whole life; because if a youth yields to this temptation even once, he will lose for the rest of his life the possibility of being a man of real worth."

Meetings with Remarkable Men / Chapter "My first Tutor"

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