Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2013

transformation of sexual energy

His teaching about the transformation of the sexual energy is very personal and he was emphatic that there are no general rules that can be given. In some cases he regarded abstinence as desirable, in others encouraged strong sexual activity; in some cases self-control, in others the devotion of one man and one woman to the creation of one single soul between them. In some cases, he demanded at least for a time a completely promiscuous sexual life in order to rid a man with obsession with sex . . . Gurdjieff did not wish to give any rules that people would take to be universally valid and that could lead not only to misunderstanding but even to disaster.

J.G. Bennett - Making a New World p. 223-224.

Sonntag, 17. Februar 2013

Sexual Initiation of female Pupils

There was a tendency on the part of some of the women to convey the impression that only women could really understand him and only those women who had slept with him were really initiated into his work.

John G. Bennett Gurdjieff: Making a New World p. 232

Dienstag, 5. Februar 2013

love of sex, love of feeling

There is the love of sex, which is ordinarily known as “love” between men and women—when this disappears a man and a woman no longer “love” each other.

There is love of feeling, which evokes the opposite and makes people suffer. Later, we will talk about conscious love.


Question: ‘Why is it that men are so often attracted to women who make them suffer? And women, of course, by men in the same way?’

Gurdjieff: ‘Think over what I said about love of feeling.’

Teachings of Gurdjieff p.23

Men are logical, Women are not

Question: ‘It seems rather a silly question to ask, but what would you say is the difference between men and women?’
Gurdjieff:  ‘In general, men have minds more developed; women, feelings more developed. Men are logical, women are not logical. Men should learn to feel more, women to think more. You must think, feel, and sense a thing before it can become real to you.

Teachings of Gurdjieff p.22

Montag, 4. Februar 2013

equal chances for Men and Women

Question: Can women work as well as men?

Gurdjieff: Different parts are more highly developed in men and women. In men it is the intellectual part, which we will call A; in women the emotional, or B. Work in the Institute is sometimes more along the lines of A, in which case it is very difficult for B. At other times it is more along the lines of B, in which case it is harder for A. But what is essential for real understanding is the fusion of A and B. This produces a force that we shall call C. Yes, there are equal chances for men and for women.

Views from the Real World p.87